We have already talked about various privileges for students. But more and more often on our forum there are topics about what payments are due to part-time students. In fact, this question can be answered unequivocally - no payments are made to part-time students. This applies more to the scholarships that students are waiting for. But part-time students can count on payments on the occasion of study leave. The essay writing service will tell you in detail about what benefits are provided to part-time students in addition to the scholarship, as well as about the general concepts of what a scholarship is.
What is a scholarship
A part-time scholarship is an incomprehensible and unknown thing, but part-time students can enjoy it every month, but only if their grades are not unsatisfactory. There are two types of scholarships. These are basic and additional scholarships. Basic scholarships are those that are mandatory for registration subject to certain rules. For example, the first type includes a one-time scholarship that is paid to first-year students. If you approach its name documentarily, then it is customary to call it an academic scholarship for a freshman. Its size is set by each university individually, but on average the size of such a payment is approximately 2,500 usd. Moreover, it is paid not once in the first month, but throughout the first semester, that is, several months.
The second basic scholarship is a simple academic scholarship. It is awarded to those students who receive satisfactory grades throughout the year after each session. If a student receives an unsatisfactory grade in at least one subject, then the scholarship for him is completely canceled. Therefore, it becomes an incentive for the student to study well at the university.
Moreover, for students who study entirely and completely only "excellent", there is an increased scholarship. If the basic academic scholarship is approximately 2500 usd, then the increased scholarship can reach up to 3000 usd. Moreover, if a student distinguished himself by some special achievements, then he is awarded an additional social scholarship from the trade union committee. It is also set individually, but on average its size is no more than 1200 usd.
This was a description of the basic payments provided for in each university. Now it's time to focus on those payments that are additional to academic scholarships. It should be noted right away that additional scholarships in most cases are one-time, and they do not cancel academic payments.
So, many public and private universities are named and opened in honor of some scientists. This is a long established stereotype. In fact, there are a lot of additional payments to students who are considered nominal.