Do you show a lot of emotions in a given circumstance?
We either become too happy or too sad in the moments of life.
We appreciate, admire or like a person and at the same time we also hate or dislike people.
In all the above situations, is it possible for us to have a neutral outlook?
Being humans, it is difficult but possible. If you practice it you will find that you are having a more peaceful and satisfied life.
a) Have you ever tried to be neutral in any situation?
b) What are the after-effects of it?
c) Did you make it or lose it?
Share your experiences to take this discussion to the next level.
Moderation is the key to success. This is what I learned from your amazing post @Aria Harrison
I appreciate your intellect @Aria Harrison
@Aria Harrison I believe you have a valid point but generally human beings act on emotions.