I hope you might have faced similar situations while getting your vehicle serviced.
A couple of weeks ago, I had a very interesting and memorable experience with my car service center. I had to give my car for servicing. It was scheduled for a second free service so there were no labor costs involved in it. I need to pay only for the consumables like engine oil and oil filter as per car manufacturer. I even got tentative pricing for it from the official website of the car manufacturer.
When I visited the authorized service center, the representative quoted me a much higher price. I showed him the quotation that I had gathered from the manufacturer. To this he immediately changed his stance and said that by mistake he has quoted for the other car which is a premium one. Moreover, to save his face he told me that I will be getting a computerized bill and there will be no chance for mistake so I need not worry.
After servicing the car and to my surprise I got the bill for a lesser amount than the quoted figure of the manufacturer. I was happy and wondered that if I had not shown him the tentative cost sheet he would have charged me a much higher amount. I believe we have to be careful everywhere. You don't know who will be going to cheat you, when and how?
Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels
@Nick Kirkpatrick Today we have to be careful everywhere. Enjoyed reading your post.
Insightful @Daniel Khristov
I have faced similar situation too @Nick Kirkpatrick You managed it very well.