I have been working in the finance department of a private industry for the last five years on a contractual basis. The benefits for contractual employees are limited as compared to regular employment.
For example, contractual employees get only one casual leave per month against two for the regular staff. Other benefits like dearness allowance, leave travel allowance and miscellaneous perquisites are only meant for regular employees.
I always ensure to give much more than what is asked for. I work sincerely and meet the project deadlines as well. I work with complete integrity, commitment and responsibility in office. Even my seniors are happy with my work. They have praised me many times.
However, the workload is tremendous and unevenly distributed. People who are efficient are given more work. There are no additional perks for me as I am a contractual employee. Regular employees get less work and enjoy more perks.
This is worrisome for me. This even demotivates me. My boss gives the work of others to me because he knows I will do it diligently. I requested him not to do so but he does not listen. He does not want to take the risk of giving work to others.
When the situation got worse, I came up with an amazing idea. I started demanding perks and increments from my boss. Due to the company's policy he can not meet the demands so now he gives less work to me. Now he thinks twice before calling me, fearing I might demand something new from him. The strategy worked for me.
So I was able to turn around the situation in the office. One needs to be demanding otherwise you are exploited.
Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay
Marvelous post. You did the right thing @Somesh
This strategy will always work. Good one @Somesh
You inspired me with your post. It shows every situation could be handled if we think about it wisely. @Somesh